Monday, November 9, 2009

Easter Island Man

I decided to ink an old sketch. Not sure what it's about, I think it had something to do with the creation of the Easter Island sculptures and this guy was their model.......u gotta use that ref!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Blood Trail

A sketch I thought I'd share for the Halloween season. It's a lobotomized lunatic chasing his wounded prey to their ultimate demise! Buwahaha!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Light up and you get lit up!

This illustration is based on the superstition that it's bad luck to light three cigarettes with one match, meaning in a time of war by the time you lit the third cigarette with your match an enemy sniper would hone in on the light and that soldier would get shot.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Honda G3 Circuit Racer

I did this for a weekly assignment that me and my friends decided on so we wouldn't get rusty over the summer. I decided to design a high tech racing motorcycle capable of outrageous speeds.

Some last semester stuff

A cover re-design for Chuck Palahniuk's book Snuff.
A three color and black illustration done for styles and concepts.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Office Hamsters

A class project that had us transform someone famous into an animal. I chose to turn half the cast of The Office into Hamsters. From the left to right we have Jim, Dwight, Pam and Kevin.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


This was done from a fairly old drawing I did when I was pumped for the 300 movie. I then went back and vectorized it.

close up

High Flyer

Another vector piece with some tweaking done in photoshop.

close up

Friday, January 2, 2009

Big Idea, Bigger Smile

Hooray! for another vector piece, I don't get to do these as much as I'd like.

Spray & Rusch

Two characters I did for my illustrative drawing class. Spray is a graffiti artist with a painted octopus friend named Tag. While Rusch is a adrenaline junkie that loves hover boarding and parkour.

Choke Book Cover

A cover design that I did for a great book by Chuck Palahniuk called Choke. I decided on this design with a large mouth choking on all the these filthy objects. It might seem a little vulgar but if you read the book you'll understand the obscenities.


Just some sketches of creepy things that I did mostly during topics in animation and comics class.

Character Designs